Hyllus and Illyrius, the connection between Dorians and Illyrians?
In  Greek mythologyHyllus  /ˈhɪləs/  ( Greek : Ὕλλος) or Hyllas (Ὕλᾱς) was son of  Heracles  and  Deianira , husband of  Iole , nursed by  Abia  who was also claimed to be the earliest Illyrian king. [ HesiodCatalogue of Women fr. 25.17–19.], [ John Middleton (ISBN: 9780765680501), World Monarchies and Dynasties, page 428]
As it's said, the earliest known king of Illyria was Hyllus (The Star), who had established the kingdom of Illyrians who is recorded to have died in the year 1225 B.C. [ John Middleton (ISBN: 9780765680501), World Monarchies and Dynasties, page 428]
Hyllus and his brothers invaded  Peloponnesus, but after a year's stay were forced by a pestilence to quit. They withdrew to  Thessaly, where  Aegimius, the mythical ancestor of the  Dorians, whom Heracles had assisted in war against the Lapidae, adopted Hyllus and made over to him a third part of his territory. After the death of Aegimius, his two sons,  Pamphylus and  Dymas, voluntarily submitted to Hyllus (who was, according to the Dorian tradition in  Herodotus V. 72, really an Achaean), who thus became ruler of the Dorians, the three branches of that race being named after these three heroes. [ Hall, Jonathan M. (2014).A history of the Archaic Greek World: ca. 1200-479 BCE (2. ed.).  ISBN 9781118340462 .]
However, in later Greek mythology [ E.g. in the myth compendium  Bibliotheca of PseudoApollodorus  III.5.4, which is not earlier than the first century BC.], Illyrius was the son of Cadmus and Harmonia who eventually ruled Illyria and became the eponymous ancestor of all Illyrian people [ Grimal & Maxwell-Hyslop 1996 , p. 230;  Apollodorus & Hard 1999 , p. 103 (Book III, 5.4)].
It seems Hyllus and Illyrius are the same mythological beings as seen from the above and can also be explained linguistically!
In the Albanian language, " Yll" means Star, in some northern Albanian dialects " Hill" with the same meaning.
In Greek, " Ή λιος", or " Ilios", from  Ancient Greek  ἥλιος ( hḗlios, “sun, sunlight).
Although no unambiguous attestations of words for "sun" have been found in Mycenaean yet, though the Mycenaean word for "sun" is reconstructed as *hāwélios, from PIE  *sāwélios .
Loss of prevocalic *s was not completed entirely as evidenced by some surviving words as  sélas ‘light in the sky, as in the  aurora ’ and selḗnē/selā́nā ‘ moon ’ may be more examples of the same if it derived from PIE *swel- ‘to burn’ (possibly related to hḗlios ‘ sun ’, Ionic hēélios < *sāwélios), thus the reconstruction *hāwélios might not be entirely true!
Threfore, the word " ἥλιος" or ''Illios" in Greek, is probably of Doric, or North-Western Greek dialect
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Soweit ich recherchieren konnte hab ich herausgefunden das illyrer oder illyrien ab Österreich bis nach Kreta existiert hat. Diese Menschen nannten sich aber nicht illyrer es waren aber mehrere Stämme zb Hellenen, taulantier, dardaner (es gibt viele alte griechische Schriften die ein Albaner ohne Mühe übersetzen kann)usw. Jedoch von gleicher Abstammung und gleichen Blutes. Aber so eine Theorie ist nicht zulässig da sie die geschriebene Geschichte und Politik verärgern würde. Wenn man die Vermischung mit anderen Völkern weg lässt könnte man sagen das Albaner und die alten Griechen vom gleichen Urvater sind.

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Griechen waren Siedler die einige Inseln besiedelten und erst später Festland kauften. Heisst ihr Griechen seit nicht autocthon. Pelasger/illyrer dagegen schon. Ach was ihr doch für ein krankes Volk seit und nur belügt und beklaut andere, nur wir Albaner kennen euch wirklich.

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