Hallo zusammen,

ich schreibe morgen eine Englisch Klassenarbeit über das Thema Argumentative Essay(9.te Klasse Gymnasium). Ich habe als eine Übung ein two-sided-comment über Homeschooling geschrieben. Vorweg schonmal, Ich bin nicht sehr gut in Englisch und ich weiß, dass dies kein guter Text ist. Ich würde mich über ein schnelles Feedback und möglicherweise über eine Grammatikalische oder auch Inhaltliche Verbesserung freuen.

Danke schonmal im Vorraus!

Last week a friend from Austria visited me and told me he is learning from home. So i asked myself , if homeschooling is better than presence school.

First, I will talk about the disadvantages and later about the advantages of homeschooling. To conclude I will summarize my arguments and share my personal opinion.

My first, strongest con Argument is about the contact with the other class mates you do not have, If you learn from home. Making social contact and finding friends is really important in the early development. Interchange about clothes, hair styles, hobbys, food, movies and so one is part of it. In addition most of the time you do homeschooling alone so you can feel lonely. To sum up, the social contact should be never neglected.

My second contra Argument is about the expensivity from homeschooling. Homeschooning can be really expensive because you have a private teacher who only teaches you. Private teachers have to create a learning plan, often personalized exercises and do conferences with you which are some factors for the expensivity. All in all the expensivity is a factor which speek against homeschooling.

Nevertheless, there are some important pro Arguments for home schooling.

My strongest pro Argument is the own learning speed. In presence school you are with many other studenst in the same class and the teacher follows the average speed, which can be really frustating, when the Teacher keeps going but you do not understand the topic. In homeschooling you have the advantage that the teacher goes with your own learning speed and can always explain specificaly for you. To sum up, If you have a fast or slow learning speed, homeschooling could be the solution for you.

My second pro Argument is that in home schooling can be no bullying. You are alone with your teacher and not with other students who can bully you. Safety is really important so you can fully focus on education without beeing scared. To sum up, this is a really important aspect because bullying is bad and need to be stopped.

To conclude the con points were that you have no contact with other students and homeschooling can be really expensive because the teacher only teaches you. My pro arguments were that you can learn with your own learning speed and finish topics when you finally understood them. My pro Argument was that in home schooling there is no bullying and bullying is bad and need to be stopped. I think that homeschooling should be individual allowed, for example for people with slow or fast learning speed.