Ist dieser Brief gut für die Englischarbeit?

Ich schreibe morgen die Englischarbeit und wir müssen einen Brief über unsere Schule schreiben. Ist dieser folgende Brief gut und was würdet ihr verbessern?:

Dear Sir or Madam
My name is .... and I go to the German school ........... in ............ .It is a comprehensive school. Our school is big, we have about 1000 pupils and about 100 teachers. I go to the class 8.2. In my class we have 26 pupils and our teachers are Mrs..... and Mr.... . My best friend is ........ . I usually go to school by bus. We have school from Monday till Friday. The lessons are 45 minutes long. They start at 8:10 am. and finished at 12:35 pm., 13:25 pm., 15:05 pm. or 15:55 pm.. We have also a morning break that begin at 10:35 am. and finished at 10:55 am. and a lunch break that begin at 12:35 pm. and finished at 13:25 pm.. In our school we have not a school uniform. You can learn different subjects in our school for example English,Biology,German,Math and Sport. I have not a favourite or unpopular subject. A thing you can do in our school are curricular activities. We have a lot of curricular activities. For example a football club, school band, school choir, pet club, different languages club and computer club. Of course we have different rooms for example a library, cafeteria, gym, school office and assembly hall. I like my school, because the most teachers are friendly and they teach us a lot.

Yours faithfully

Vielen Dank schon mal für eure Antworten. :)

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ja relativ gut

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klar doch ;-) wenn du dich anstrenkst schaffst du es natürlich

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Hey jenachdem was dein monitor für hertz hat z.60hz dann einfach in den Fortnite Einstellungen die bildfrequenz deinen monitor zu Zahl anpassen

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