Hallo, und zwar musste ich ein comment schreiben in der Schule, welchen wir morgen vorzeigen müssen und ich wollte fragen ob einer vlt nochmal kurz denn comment überfliegen kann ob alles so passt.

A Few days ago there was a discussion if mobil phones and other electronic devices should be allowed at school. The pros are that even in school children can be shown how to behave on the internet. Another good argument for using mobil phones at school is that it's possible to quickly find information and work with it. The last and for me best argument is that through digital media, topics are dealt with holistically. Different points of view are taken into account and a solution is sought with different formats. The cons are that teacher can't check what the students gonna do on the smartphones and if they really being used for lessons or assignment. Another bad thing would be that if the permanent use at school is allowed, the risk of mobile phone addiction increases enormously. The for me worse thing would be that if Students didn't own a smartphone they would have a big disadvantage. My personal view is that the mobile phones should be allowed but not all the time only when the teacher allowed it, because mobil phones can be a good addition to the school.