Wer kennt sich mit der SPL Programmiersprache aus?

1 Antwort

The Infamous Tragic Of People.

Romeo, a young man who falls in love.

Juliet, a young woman and the sweetheart of Romeo.

Ophelia, a former lover of Hamlet.

Hamlet, a prince of Denmark.

Shylock, a Jewish money-lender.

Act I: Hamlet admires Juliet and Ophelia.

Scene I: Hamlet praises Juliet and Ophelia.

[Enter Hamlet and Juliet]


You are as sweet as the sum of an amazing beautiful lovely rose and a warm sunny lovely summer's day.

[Exit Juliet]

[Enter Ophelia]


You are as sweet as Juliet!

Thou art as brave as the product of you and the sum of a brave charming hero and a King.

[Exit Ophelia]

Scene II: The appearence of Romeo.

[Enter Romeo]


You are as honest as the sum of Ophelia and her evil devil.

Speak thy mind!

[Exit Romeo]


Act II: Ophelia insults Shylock and praises Juliet.

Scene I: The insulting of Shylock.

[Enter Ophelia and Shylock]


You lying bad horrible coward.

You are as bad as the difference between you and a bastard

You are as horrible as the product of you and yourself

You are as miserable as the sum of you and a smelly bastard

Open your heart!

You are absolutely as normal as the product of Juliet and a cute pony. Speak thy mind!

You are nothing! Open your heart!

You are really nothing! Open your heart!

[Exit Shylock]

Scene II: The praising of Juliet.

[Enter Juliet]


You are as cute as the difference between the sum of the sum of you and yourself and you and a beautiful pony!

Speak your mind!


Scene III: Shylock unsuccessfully flatters Ophelia.

[Enter Ophelia and Shylock]


thou are as cute as the difference between thou and a golden rich pretty brave King

you are as cute as the sum of a rotten devil and yourself

thee are as cute as the product of you and the sum of an honest hero and a King

Open your heart!


Scene IV: Hamlet, Romeo and Shylock.

[Enter Hamlet and Romeo]


thee art as tiny as the difference between myself and Juliet!

Speak your mind!


You are as honest as the difference between the sum of myself and the quotient between yourself and a clearest Heaven and a brave Lord!

Speak your mind!

[Exit Romeo]

[Enter Shylock]


Open your heart!

you are as stupid as the sum of the quotient between myself and a delicious plum and a goat

Open your heart!

you are as rotten as the sum of yourself and a codpiece!

[Exit Shylock]

[Enter Juliet]


Speak your mind!

you are as pretty as the sum of the sum of the product of Shylock and myself and Ophelia and a Lord.

Open your heart!


SirNik  06.03.2018, 19:10


 06.03.2018, 19:25
