Rocket League laggt (Heavy Car Bug), während dem Stream?

06.07.2024, 14:38

Reddit Antwort:

Sounds like Heavy Car Bug which is a bug as old as the game. It is likely related to CPU clock speeds and the Janky UE3 coding in Rocket League. Which is why running hardware accelerated programs (like OBS) on a 2nd monitor can usually trigger HCB. But nobody can figure out a real solution because it's probably something only Psyonix can fix by remaking the game on UE5.

Unfortunately it doesn't affect everyone so a lot of people who have never experienced it will come into threads like these to spout their garbage takes how it's "placebo" just because their game is fine. So your best fix would to first check if you can turn off hardware acceleration on OBS if it's an option or increase the priority of RL in task manager. But likely your real answer is play the game without streaming or deal with HCB.

1 Antwort

Den Beitrag kann ich leider nicht mehr aufrufen. Vielleicht versuch mal deine Bitrate in OBS etwas zu drosseln. Vielleicht behebt das das Problem.

 06.07.2024, 14:33

Hab auf 6000 gehabt und jetzt mal 4000 eingestellt..