Mario oder Luigi wenn mögt ihr mehr?

Das Ergebnis basiert auf 11 Abstimmungen

Luigi 36%
Beide gleich 36%
Mario 27%

2 Antworten

Beide gleich

Luigi hat wahrscheinlich irgendwelche Kriegsverbrechen oder sowas begangen, zumindest lässt der Dialog mit dem Sternentor im Zusammen durch die Zeit einiges offen. Gleichzeitig zeigt er aber auch oft einen interessanteren Charakter als Mario. Im großen und ganzen finde ich beide ganz gut.


Solche Vids auf YouTube machen Mario für mich immer unsympathischer. Luigi tut mir auch leid, Mario ist nich immer nett zu ihm 😅 👨🏻🍎 👨🏻🍏

Yoshi32  13.03.2022, 14:31

Das Sternentor zu Mario:

Yes ... Mm ... I see ... Oh. What? Impossible. Ah ... Hmm ... Aha. Eh? No. Amazing. Well ...
Red man of mustache ...
You are true anf courageous. Your heart is filled with virtue and concern for your brother ...
I do recommend you watch your diet, however, for it is also filled with much alfredo sauce. You should especially cut down on carbonara, though it will be hard, for that is very tasty. If you curb your appetite, do ome light cardio work, and continue to ward your brother ...
You will no doubt grow to be a figure of immense popularity, yet not grow an immense belly. I deem you most worthy to pass this gate, and recommend puttanesca; that stuff is great.

Das Sternentor zu Luigi:

Now, green man of mustache ...
Well ... Mm ... Ah. Oh my. Huh? Eh? What? Woah. Eww ... Shocking. What was that? Whew ... ...
Green man of mustache ...
You ...
Um ... good luck out there.
What is that? You crave more? I could be more direct, but everyone would hear. Are you sure you witsh for this to be? The secrets of your heart would be revealed. That odd ... incident. And that other thing as well.

Luigi ist sichtlich erschreckt und lehnt panisch ab.

Then I shall whisper ...
Pss pssst pssssh ...
Yoshi32  13.03.2022, 14:35


As for the little ones, I know their hearts are innocdent, so they may pass unhindered. This means that most of you are worthy of admittance ...
However, the green man of mustache is questionable ...
His heart is muddled with ... certain questionable things.
Who knows what trials the road ahead my bring? You may find yourselves tested like never before. Yet, the green man of mustache weeps and worries like a child, fearful. It is ... embarassing. I cannot allow one who so bemoas his fate to pass through the gate. It is most unfortunate, but you may not proceed.
Yoshi32  13.03.2022, 17:36

Es sagt einfach nur aus, dass es irgendwelche Geheimnisse und Vorfälle gibt, die Luigi unbedingt vor Mario geheimhalten will.

Yoshi32  13.03.2022, 17:39

Das ist gezielt geheimgehalten aber es klingt nicht gerade vorteilhaft.