hi , wir haben diese Woche mündliche prüfung in englisch und wir wissen nicht wie wir ein Dialog über gaming verfassen sollen?

1 Antwort

Hier ein Beispiel:

Person A: Hey, do you have anything exciting planned for this weekend?

Person B: Yeah, I'm looking forward to some relaxing gaming sessions. How about you?

Person A: That sounds great! I also enjoy playing games. What are your favorite games?

Person B: I'm a big fan of action-adventure games. Currently, I'm enjoying "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" and "Assassin's Creed Valhalla". How about you?

Person A: Oh, those are awesome games! I'm more into online multiplayer games. Right now, I'm really hooked on "Fortnite" and "Apex Legends". Have you tried them?

Person B: Yes, I've played "Fortnite", but I haven't tried "Apex Legends" yet. What do you think of it?

Natürlich kannst du den Dialog an deine eigenen Vorlieben und Erfahrungen mit Gaming anpassen. Vergiss nicht, den Dialog flüssig zu gestalten und den Charakteren ihre eigenen Persönlichkeiten zu geben. Viel Erfolg bei eurer mündlichen Prüfung!

Person A: It's a lot of fun! The characters have unique abilities, and the gameplay is very intense. Maybe we could try playing it together?

Person B: That sounds like a great idea! Count me in. What platform do you play on?

Person A: I play on PC. How about you?

Person B: I mostly play on my PlayStation, but I also have a PC. So, we can definitely play together!

Person A: Perfect! Let's start right after the exam. I'm already excited!

Person B: Me too! I'm looking forward to playing with you. Maybe we can discover some other games to play together as well.

Person A: Definitely! I'm always open to trying new games. It's going to be a lot of fun!