Eure Lieblings-Songzeilen?

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Wirt lowry hat talent für sowas , aber meine Lieblings songzeile war : open your mind but not your legs

Why when do our darkest deeds do we tell?
They burn in our brains, become a living hell
'Cause everybody tells
Everybody tells
Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you won't tell what I said
'Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead
- Secret by the pierces
he was a kind hearted man in a hateful world
who caught every thing that life ever hurled
like the oldest mountain he always stood so tall
forever showing what it means to be unbreakable 
paycheck to paycheck, 
3 jobs a day, 
he's the ransom for his family's pain
in the coldest world with the warmest heart, 
he puts to shame what you consider hard 
he's the man you don't see in the mirror
while the world was screaming death, 
he chose a different song to hear
he's the band thats playing while the ship sinks
the song of hope, he forever sings 
he taught the sun to shine 
now please teach this "son" to shine 
how can this world never break 
your warm heart in this frigid fucking place?
you're like the river: 
always flowing and growing, 
never changing; rearranging 
how can this world always never take 
your solid stance in these turbulent time?
you're like the tree in the burning forest 
that never was burned down 
and what he said to me was this
"Just love the world that won't love you back" 
old man look at my life 
i'm nothing like you are
take a look at my life 
i'm so very fucking far
from the person i aspire to be
-Unbreakable by have heart
За мечтою на край пропасти -           (Translation: After a dream to the edge of a chasm
Лишь только так можно мир спасти.  Only that way can the world be saved
Ты не плачь,                                      Don't you cry                            
Слёзы спрячь,                                    Hide your tears
Ведь настанет новый день,                Because a new day will start
Твой огонь                                         Your fire
Согреватьn                                         will be heated
Будет тысячи сердец.                         By thousands of hearts
А сейчас поднимись,                          But now get up
Спрячь поглубже боль и страх.          Hide the pain and fear far
Победит тот, кто прав                        The one who's right will win
Знай, что всё в твоих руках.              Know that everything is in your hands)
- rise by origa
Why am I terrified of everything I used to love
Save me from myself I don't want to hate who I've become
Tell me that tomorrow when I wake up I'll be fine
I just want to be myself again
I want to know that I'm alive
- Sleepless Night by MemphisMayFire
To you
I'm all I've left undone
I'm all I haven't won
Lift me up my soul's so hollow
Lift me up
You take
The breath you didn't make
What's left you did forsake
Lift me up my soul's so hollow
Lift me up my soul's so hollow
You can make me scream internally
You can make me breathe eternally
You see
The things I cannot change
The things that make me plain
Lift me up my soul's so hollow
Lift me up
-Hollow by Submersed
So shed every breath you take, you're dying 
With every step we take we're falling apart 
We only had one chance 
We pray 
Let's take this chance right now, lets go 
You only live one life 
For the rest of time 
So make every second divine 
- Yolo by Suicide Silence
What do I do to ignore them behind me?
Do I follow my instincts blindly?
Do I hide my pride from these bad dreams
And give in to sad thoughts that are maddening?
Do I sit here and try to stand it?
Or do I try to catch them red-handed?
Do I trust some and get fooled by phoniness
Or do I trust nobody and live in loneliness?
- By Myself by Linkin Park
She has me like a pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could Eat your cancer when you turn black
-Heart-shaped Box by Nirvana
I loved you, you made me
Hate me. You gave me hate, see?
It saved me and these tears are deadly.
You feel that? I rip back
Every time you tried to steal that.
You feel bad? You feel sad?
"I'm sorry"? Hell no, fxck that!
It was my heart, it was my life
It was my start, it was your knife.
This strife, it dies
This life and these lies.
And these lungs, have sung
This song, for too long,
And it's true, I hurt too
Remember? I loved you.
-Black Dahlia by Hollywood Undead
Colour me in kindness,
Cover me with love.
I am blessed.
You're burying your father,
You're burying your son.
You are dead.
I know nothing of real pain,
I'm a child and I am spoiled.
I hate myself for my complaints,
I'm pathetic and I'm bored.
I cry simply at the thought.
I crumble at the sight.
If I ever had to feel, I
I would fall to my knees
and pray for God to save me.
I have never been in love,
I pretend to care.
Convince myself that it's enough,
I was never there.
I am hiding in the dust,
Sweep me underneath the chair.
I have never been in love.
I keep on giving,
I keep on giving up.
- Spoiled by Basement (Just the whole colourmeinkindness album is great when it comes to lyrics)

I hear him speaking to me. For the first time he cleared my head... that’s when he said,
"Only cowards keep dormant their sleeping strength, and soon you’ll find,
only the fearless will reach their potential’s peak.
Tell me, if death is victory how afraid of life can we be?
If death is victory how afraid of life can we be?"
- "Breathing Blood"- oh sleeper
"Who's dreams are you killing?
Who's pockets are you filling?
Are you where you said 
You would be in the end?"
- "The Color Theft" - Oh sleeper
"Reclaiming thrones, our generations' pride,
Sits a conformist ploy to strip what burns inside.
Our bodies yern to live life endlessly
So now we rise, we rise in mutany."
- "The New Breed" - Oh Sleeper

So watch my chest heave as this last breath leaves me

I am trying to be what you're dying to see

I feel like "Fck man, can't take this, anymore,

this heart, break this"

This is life that's so thankless

How could he just forsake us?

Racist he makes us

Hate us he gave us

Nothing but no trust and I am so fucked up

So let this gun bond us

Let's hide by this lust

And once we are just dust, he'll know that he loved us

Let it all burn, I will burn first

God I've tried, am I lost in your eyes?

Just let me burn, it's what I deserve

God I've lied, am I lost in your eyes?

Paradise Lost - Hollywood Undead

Naysayer, hammer the nail

We're all on our own, we can't decide what's true

Betrayer, hammer the nail

Such narrow lines separate me and you

So sick of the sound of people giving up

You can't stop me giving a fxck

Fxck it, I'm a dreamer and I'm dreaming on

Naysayer - Architects

Ich kann noch 30 weitere auflisten ich hoere viel musik und gern :D 

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Dein Gürtel ist von C und A, komm mal klar. Mein Gürtel kostet mehr als eine neue SPIEGELREFLEXKAMERA.

If I could do it all over maybe I'd do it different. Maybe i wouldn't be here in this postion. I found you then i lost you...
- True Love ,Dove Cameron and Jordan Fisher (in Liv and Maddie)