Dringend HILFE! Welche Akkordfolgen/Melodien/Songs sind traurig aber gleichzeitig hoffnungsvoll?

1 Antwort

Als erstes hab ich das hier als KEYS...und feeling

  • C: Innocence, happiness with a spiritual feeling.
  • Cm: Innocence, sadness, heartbroken and evokes yearning.
  • C#m: Passionate and deep, evoking sorrow, grief, despair, and self-punishment.
  • Db: Depressive masked by an air of happiness. Evokes feelings of grief and despair.
  • D: Triumphant and victorious. Feels like war marches or holiday songs.
  • Dm: serious and melancholic. Brings on feelings of concerns and contemplation.
  • D#m: Deep and anxious, evoking feelings of distress, terror, darkness, and hesitation.
  • Eb: This key brings on feelings of cruelty, but also devoted love, openness, and intimacy.
  • E: Dissatisfaction and a ready-to-fight feeling – but also joy and delight.
  • Em: Restless love, grief, and mournfulness.
  • F: Optimism and the will to explode.
  • Fm: Dark and funereal, evoking feelings of the deepest depression, death, loss, and misery.
  • F#: Conquest, relief, triumph, victory, and clarity.
  • F#m: Resentment, discontentment, and lamentation, but with a touch of hope.
  • G: Happy, but with serious overtones, idyllic, and poetic. This evokes calm, satisfaction, tenderness, gratitude and peace.
  • Gm: Feelings of discontent, uneasiness, failure, concern, and struggling.
  • Ab: Death, eternity, judgment, darkness.
  • Abm: related to wailing, suffocation, lamentation, struggle, and negativity.
  • A: Brings feelings of joy, reciprocated love, satisfaction, optimistic, trust, and spirituality.
  • Am: Sad, but with tenderness.
  • Bb: Joyful and cheerful, with feelings of love, consciousness, hope, optimism, and peace.
  • Bbm: Feels like the night, darkness, blasphemy, death, and destiny.
  • B: Feelings of strength, wildness, passion, jealousy, fury, negativity, and the will to fight.
  • Bm: Solitude, melancholy, patience, calm, submission, and acceptance.

Q: https://www.themusicstudio.ca

Hier sind auch Chord-Progression dabei:

 28.08.2021, 14:26

Hey, ich kann dir gar nicht genug danken! Das ist wirklich die perfekte Basis fürs Songschreiben, danke dir 1000 mal! Wünsche dir noch einen sehr schönen Tag <3


Wepster  28.08.2021, 14:28

ja, kein problem, und schön musikalisch sein...lass mal hören was du machst....PM...cheers

 28.08.2021, 14:35

Wenn es so weit ist, lass ich Bescheid geben! Danke nochmal

Geophage  26.02.2022, 18:23

Keys und feeling.. Kann ich mich gar nicht anschliessen. Oder.. Nicht bei allen Instrumenten.