One Minute Presentation?

1 Antwort

Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


Mein English ist auch nicht das Gelbe vom Ei, aber es sind einige Fehler drin.

Today, I'm going to talk about New York and its sights. First, I'm going to tell you why this edifice (sprachliche Variabilität!!!) was built, then I'm going to refer you general Informations about The One World Trade Center. After this information, I'm going to explain why I've chosen the One World Trade Center for this presentation.

The One World Trade Center was built in Memory of 9/11, in part of which the center has been destroyed by terroristsNowadays, at this place the One World trade center is located. It has a height of 541 meters, therefore it's the tallest building in The United Staates of Amerika. It has 104 floors, 73 elevators and a floor area of 325.000 square meters. The One World Trade Center was built and opened in New York in November 2014.
By March 2009, the skyscraper was named "The freedom tower". Today, The One World Trade Center is located in New York, more preciesly in the Lower District of Manhattan. (There je stand das Protection against car bombs, 8. meters from The Road away => ???????). Today, The skycraper is The centerpiece of The New York skyline and it is located close to The Hudson River.
I have selected The One World Trade Center because I like it's story and apperance. Furthermore, I would like to visit The skyscrapper in The future. Thank you for your attention.

Ich hab vermutlich nicht alles berichtigt, nur das, was mir ins Auge gesprungen ist. Ich muss sagen, dass ich selbst einige Jahre kein englisch mehr gesprochen habe, weshalb ich nicht für 100%ige Richtigkeit garantiere.

Viel Erfolg beim Vortrag!


Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung – Angehende Lehrkraft mit abgeschlossenem Masterstudium
Mikail1904  06.10.2020, 18:06

danke ich habe jetzt eine präsentation