Inspirationen für einen Blues- Text?

2 Antworten

Woke up this morning with no inspiration in my head,

Went to the crossroads, waiting for the devil coming up

Waited for two hours, devil did not come

Went to the station, still no inspiration all around,

Arrived at school with no blues song in my mind

usw. usf. ...

Smartalek  13.05.2020, 12:15

nice :D

RainerK  13.05.2020, 12:22

Zu singen auf die Melodie von "Walkin' Blues" oder "Me and the Devil Blues" von Robert Johnson.


Denk an was trauriges.

Woke up this morning... had to do work for School... wrote a very bad blues-text... that wasn't cool...

Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – Hobbymusiker. Autodidakt mehrerer Instrumente.

DonCredo  13.05.2020, 12:28

😂👍 Vers 2

The teacher doesn't like my Bluestext .... he says that is not really good ... so i've to Think what to do next ... but i find no concept damned i'm in a Blues Mood ... 🤘