Hello N*gga?

Krader303702  06.06.2023, 18:33

lern mal schreiben

 06.06.2023, 18:39

lass misch schreiban wie isch wil haba genuch deutsch in da schulee

1 Antwort

Hello Nigga and other similar phrases like Hi Nigga and Greetings Nigga refers to a series of memes using staring animals and sigma stare images with a bottom caption reading "hello nigga," most often in Impact font. Some of the most notable versions used the shark in the woods meme and the staring eagle (also known as Marvin Beak) meme. The trend became prevalent on Instagram in early 2023 within hood irony meme circles, specifically the pages @zuccy123456, @igotzucc.v2 and @deez.mp2.