Wer darf Nigga sagen?

5 Antworten

Es kommt auf den Kontext immer an und wie man es sagt und zu wem man es sagt. Meint man es wirklich in einem negativen Kontext, dann ist es niemals okay. Es kommt wirklich nur drauf an wie und weshalb.

Das N-Wort ist nicht mehr zeitgemäss. Auf den Gebrauch sollte generell verzichtet werden, es sei den im historischen Kontext.

Die NAACP dazu

WHEREAS, the Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines "nxxxx" (the N-word) as "usually offensive: a black person; member of socially disadvantaged class of persons...;" and

WHEREAS, the N-word has been established to be derogatory, degrading, dehumanizing and is one of the most offensive words in history; and

WHEREAS, the N-word is too often freely and casually used by some individuals in popular media, literature, and general society with usage broadened across racial and generational backgrounds; and

WHEREAS, the stigma of this word embodies and invokes painful memories and inhumane ill-will; and countless individuals including NAACP freedom fighters, have lost their lives due to the beliefs perpetuated by the use of this word.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People shall not condone, award, or engage any person that uses the N-word in any capacity, or in any artistic endeavor that does not allude to the historical context of the word, or that does not highlight the prejudicial nature of the word; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People implement the following actions to reinforce its ban on the use of the N-word issued in 2007 and bolster education and awareness about the offensiveness of the word across racial and generational lines: Make the ban reinforcement a top civil rights priority for all units; and urge every youth unit in consultation with their corresponding adult branch develop a plan of action for implementation. Plan must include internal branch affirmation, public awareness, community outreach and a reporting process. In places where no active youth unit exists, the adult unit would be held to the same said requirement.

Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen.

cminor7  07.05.2024, 12:50

Bitte deutsche Antworten, steht in den Richtlinien

Mork77  07.05.2024, 12:52

Englisch ist die Lingua Franca. und N. wie in der Frage formuliert kein deutsches Wort.


Niemand sollte das sagen PUNKT.