3 Antworten

..A..Boot camp is a type of military school for teenagers. Teenagers who.. commit a crime...are... sent to boot camps learn disciplin..e.. and.. straighten..up.. their lifes. A boot camp look..s.. like a prison and there is nothing personal in the rooms. ..On the one hand.. ,some people say that..some.. teenagers really need to go to a boot camp, because they..have to.. learn discipline. ..On the other hand,they have to learn to obey.. the rule..s if you want to do..right... That´s why they..don't have.. to go to prison, order to.. have better chances to get a job..later in.. their li..f..e... But in my opinion, boot camps shouldn´t be introduced in Germany, because mere discipline doesn´t change a person. I think people have to learn how to think for themselves, not learn how to follow rules. That´s why..I.. think boot camps ..won´t.. work. After looking at both sides..I.. think if..teenagers want to change their life they have to do so..of their own accord.., but not when they are forced to.

Ich habe den Text nur so weit verändert, dass dein Lehrer ihn als deine Arbeit durchgehen lässt.

Ja finde ich genau so. ich habe zwar ne 2 in englisch habe aber auch keine fehler gefunden!!


  • Teenagers who commit a crime are sent to...
  • A boot camp looks like...
  • ...I think boot camps don´t work.
  • ...if a teenager wants to change his life, he will do it, but not when he is forced to.

ich weiß nicht, ob das alles ist, aber das ist mir spontan aufgefallen.