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3 Antworten

Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

*On the internet I chat with my friends, use social media sites or (platforms), take pictures and videos and research for school stuff aswell. I don’t share personal pictures, videos and data such as my address and etc with anonymous users. I usually use a strong password for my accounts and if someone hacks it I would change it immediately. The privacy policies of websites are really important and safe but I don’t read them because it’s really long and I’m too lazy.


es sind verschiedene Fehler enthalten. Für eine Korrektur wirst du dir aber schon die Mühe machen müssen, den Text hier reinzuhacken. So ist eine Korrektur viel zu mühsam und aufwändig!


 03.06.2021, 14:25

I use the Internet regularly everyday and really often (about 4 Hours), on the Internet I chat with my friends, use social media sites, take pictures and videos and research for the school. As well i don‘t chat with anonymous users and I don‘t share too many personal pictures and videos, I also don‘t give out my personal data, such as my address, telephone number etc. I use a strong password and if anyone knows my password, I change it. And of course I don‘t share my Location. I don‘t read the privacy policies of websites and apps, because I don‘t feel like it and I‘m too lazy, but even though I know its really important and safe.


Adress schreibt man glaub ich klein.