Better Minecraft Mod nicht installiert?

2 Antworten

It seems like the mod "sdrp" has a dependency on another mod called "cloth_config," and the version required is 8.1.77 or above. The error message indicates that "cloth_config" is not installed, even though you believe it is in the Mod Folder.

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

1. **Check Mod Versions:**

  - Make sure you have the correct version of "cloth_config" installed. Verify that you have version 8.1.77 or a newer version.

  - Double-check the version compatibility requirements of both "sdrp" and "cloth_config."

2. **Reinstall "cloth_config":**

  - Try reinstalling the "cloth_config" mod. Remove it from the mods folder and then add it back in. Ensure that you are using the correct version.

3. **Mod Loading Order:**

  - The order in which mods are loaded can sometimes affect their functionality. Ensure that "cloth_config" is loaded before "sdrp." You can usually adjust mod loading order in the Minecraft launcher or through a mod manager if you are using one.

4. **Config Files:**

  - Some mods have configuration files that might need adjustments. Check if there's a configuration file for "cloth_config" or "sdrp" and see if there are any settings related to version requirements.

5. **Compatibility Issues:**

  - Check online forums, mod pages, or communities for any known compatibility issues between the versions of "sdrp" and "cloth_config." Mod developers often provide information about known issues and solutions.

6. **Forge/Fabric Compatibility:**

  - Ensure that you are using the correct version of Forge or Fabric, depending on the modding platform you are using. Some mods are designed specifically for Forge or Fabric, and using the wrong one can cause compatibility issues.

7. **Update Mods:**

  - Check if there are newer versions of both "sdrp" and "cloth_config" available. It's possible that newer releases have addressed compatibility issues.

8. **Mod Logs:**

  - Check the Minecraft logs for any error messages or warnings related to the mods. This can provide more detailed information about what might be going wrong.

9. **Mod Support Channels:**

  - If the issue persists, consider reaching out to the mod developers through their official support channels. They may have specific advice or updates regarding the compatibility issue.

By going through these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue with the mod dependencies. If the problem persists, consider reaching out to the modding community or the developers for more specific assistance.

Installier einfach das Pack neu, das geht üblicherweise sehr schnell, besonders wenn du den CF-Launcher nutzt.

Sichere einfach zuerst den "config" Ordner, für deine präferierten Einstellungen und deine Singleplayer-Welten wenn vorhanden.

Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – Spiele seit 8 Jahren gemoddet Minecraft

 28.11.2023, 21:42

Habe Ich versucht. Jetzt sagt mein Viren Programm aufeinmal dass Cloth_Config und eine weitere Mod ein Virus wäre. Dabei kommt Minecraft Fehler Code 1