My dream job is car mechanics, I know myself well with cars and I love car access. I would also like to have my own workshop. I also deal with cars in my spare

2 Antworten

My dream is to work as a car mechanic, because I love cars. The technique behind the car body and the design of some cars is similar to modern art for me! It's a big piece of history, the evolution of cars changed the world and I like to be a part of this whole industry. In the future, I'am sure, I'am my own Boss in my own car repair shop.

PzFlakBtl12  12.12.2016, 00:45

Dass könntest du verwenden, deine Aussagen klingen stark nach Google Übersetzer, ohne Sinn.

Bajram902  29.01.2024, 08:37

Hey, ist zwar sehr lange her und du hast die app wahrscheinlich nicht mehr aber falls das jemand sehen sollte, kann mir das jemand auf deutsch übersetzen? Danke


My Dream Job is to work as a car mechanic. I know my way around cars very well as it has always been an area of interest for me. And, as a result, I spend a large amount of my free time working on cars. One day, I hope to make my dreams a reality and own my own workshop. That way I could pass on my passion and fulfill my aspirations to become a successful car mechanic.

Das wäre jetzt ein sprachlich differenzierte, jedoch noch einfach gegliederte Antwort. Muttersprachlerin hier :)