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2 Antworten

Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

So kannst Du es abgeben, ohne dass es allzu cringy wird:

Our human body is a miracle: It performs without resting from the very day that we are born. Our body continues working without stopping for a second until we die. The main organs of the human body are lungs, heart, kidney, liver and these organs work together and are controlled by the brain.

The vital organs in our body are the ones that provide the life functions or protect them. Starting at the top there is the brain. Without it the body is just a mere heap of meat, because without it there would be no breathing, movement, muscle tone, or thermal regulation. The brain provides the intelligence to use our physical and mental abilities. The lungs provide the oxygen our life functions require, and the heart pumps the blood to all our soma cells. The liver regulates the chemical balance in the body and the kidneys remove cellular toxins from the blood. Without all these systems working at least to a minimum extent, the body will not hold life for more than a few days or often much less.         

Physical health is important for how you feel, move and perform tasks without feeling of stress, pain and strain. Having a great physical health is in synergy with your mental and social health. They all work together. One aspect of a healthy body is our muscle mass: it is said that it can increase lifespan compared to people who don’t maintain a healthy body composition as they age.

Exercising, keeping a balanced diet, having a stable social life contributes to your physical health, builds up your confidence and helps you to lead a great life and live long. So don’t forget to stay and live healthy!

 31.05.2022, 18:46

Haha ich danke dir sehr! :D



Ich habe englisch Abi.

Ich habe 4 Zeilen gelesen. Ich konnte keinen Fehler finden.

Sie nicht so eitel.

Dein englisch ist 10 mal besser als meines.

(Ich habe Abi in englisch.)