Korrektur Essay?

1 Antwort


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Für eine Korrektur wirst du dir aber schon die Mühe machen müssen, den Text hier reinzuhacken. So ist eine Korrektur viel zu mühsam und aufwändig!


 06.05.2023, 14:51

Everyone likes vacation! It is a great opportunity to go on a trip to a foreign country. But what about staying abroad?

Not forever but of course longer than just 2 wecks which is the time how a journey usually lasts. But how is that possible? Fortunately many schools offer this chance where students can participate in a student exchange. Of course there are many advantages and disadvantages 

that you will experience if you decided to participate, as the following arguments will show.

First, I would like to talk about learning ard studying a foreign language.  Practicing it by taking part in an exchange program is a good chance because you can improve your listening and speaking skills if you speak and interact with native speakers.

Because listening comprehension and doing speaking tasks is a very crucial part of languages hence it is a great chance to improve your language skills in order to get better grades.


Additionally cultural aspects are important reasons why you should get involved to an exchange. If you don't only immense yourself with the lanquage, but also with the country, you learn more about its history and geography. If you are there, you can visit, for instance, museums, go sightseeing or eat traditional feel. It is also  a alternative to the activities that you usually do. 

The third aspect is making new friends.

Lonely people have then an awesome chance to find new friends humans.But also if you are not lonely ,you can also make friends, but from all over the world. You can exchange content or help other people with your language if they speak that you learn but want to acquire your language.

Unfortunately there are a few cons which you should take in consideration. The fact is that humans which

are used to lived with their parents or which are often

stressed with being alone, can really suffer from it. It is common that people to feel homesickness

Moreover it is not always possible to leave the country if it too far away from the respective home country. Furthermore it can also be too much responsibility for you. You have to care for yourself and have to handle with strangers from a complete other country. That can sometimes be too hard. Last, it is often difficult to get used to the country itself. Foreign countries have completely different systems, traditions and cultures which might be new to you. They are called `culture shocks.‘ Most of the people probably heard of it but they are sometimes quite complicated to tackle. 

To sum up, participating in an exchange program can be challenging, but with the attitude it is an amazing chance to perfect your language skills which is, in my opinion, the most significant reason.

 06.05.2023, 14:51

Jetzt ist es abgetippt

AstridDerPu  06.05.2023, 16:04

Everyone likes vacation! It is a great opportunity to go on a trip to a foreign country. But what about staying abroad?

Not forever (Ich würde hier ein Komma einfügen.) but of course longer than just 2 wecks (RS = Rechtschreibfehler) which is the time how a journey usually lasts (Ausdruck). But how is that possible? Fortunately (Ich würde hier ein Komma einfügen.) many schools offer this chance where (Ausdruck) students can participate in a student exchange. Of course there are many advantages and disadvantages 

That (Ich würde „that“ weglassen.) you will experience if you decided (Grammar) to participate, as the following arguments will show.

First, I would like to talk about learning ard studying a foreign language.  Practicing it by taking part in an exchange program (eher AE; programme eher BE) is a good chance (Komma) because you can improve your listening and speaking skills if you speak and interact with native speakers.

Because listening comprehension and doing speaking tasks is a very crucial part of languages hence it is a great chance to improve your language skills in order to get better grades. (Ausdruck; du solltest umformulieren oder dich für eines der beiden Wörter entscheiden.)

Also (???)

Additionally (Ich würde hier ein Komma einfügen.) cultural aspects are important reasons why you should get involved to (Präposition) an exchange. If you don't (Ich würde hier die Langform wählen.) only immense (RS) yourself with (Präposition) the lanquage (RS), but also with (Präposition) the country, you learn more about its history and geography. If you are there, you can visit, for instance, museums, go sightseeing or eat traditional feel (Wort). It is also  a (Wort) alternative to the activities that (Ich würde „that“ weglassen.)  you usually do. 

The third aspect is making new friends.

Lonely people have then (Wann?) an awesome chance to find new friends (---). But also (Ausdruck) if you are not lonely, you can (---) make friends, but („aber“ ergibt hier keinen Sinn.) from all over the world. You can exchange content or help other people with your language if they speak that you learn but want to acquire your language (Das ergibt keinen Sinn.).

Unfortunately (Ich würde hier ein Komma einfügen.) there are a few cons which (Ich würde „which“ weglassen.) you should take in (Präposition) consideration. The fact is that humans (Ausdruck) which (Grammatik)

are used to lived (Grammatik) with their parents or which (Grammatik) are often

stressed with being alone, can really suffer from it (Worunter?). It is common that people to feel homesickness

Moreover (Ich würde hier ein Komma einfügen.) it is not always possible to leave the country if it (Hier fehlt ein Wort.) too far away from the (Besser Possessive Pronoun) respective home country. Furthermore (Ich würde hier ein Komma einfügen.) it can also be too much responsibility for you. You have to care for yourself and have to handle with (Ausdruck) strangers from a complete (Grammatik) other (Wort) country. That can sometimes be too hard. Last, it is often difficult to get used to the country itself. Foreign countries have completely different systems (Welche Systeme?), traditions and cultures which might be new to you. They (Wer?) are called `culture shocks.‘ Most (---) people probably heard (Grammatik) of it (Komma) but they (Wer?) are sometimes quite complicated (Ich würde hier „complex“ wählen.) to tackle. 

To sum up, participating in an exchange program (s. o.) can be challenging, but with the attitude (Welche Einstellung?) it is an amazing chance to perfect your language skills which is, in my opinion, the most significant reason (Der wichtigste Grund wofür?).


Weiter geht es im nächsten Kommentar.

AstridDerPu  06.05.2023, 16:05

Kurzformen werden vorwiegend im gesprochenen Englisch verwendet. In der Schriftsprache - zumindest in formellen Schreiben - sollte man solche und andere Kurzformen (he's, I'm, don't usw.) vermeiden.

Adverbien, die am Satzanfang stehen können, sind z.B.:

•Firstly •Initially •Certainly •Therefore •Contrarily •However •Furthermore •Moreover •Additionally •Finally •Eventually •Lastly •Fortunately •Perhaps •Luckily •Briefly •Honestly •Personally •Understandably •Obviously •Apparently •Of course •Yesterday •Sometimes

Adverbien und adverbiale Bestimmung etc. können am Satzanfang stehen. Dort werden sie meist mittels Komma vom Rest des Textes abgetrennt.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert, das Kursivgedruckte überdacht werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de - und Finger weg vom Google Übelsetzer und seinen tr.tteligen Kollegen!

:-) AstridDerPu

 06.05.2023, 17:20

okay danke, aber bei manchen Sachen weiß ich nicht genau, warum es jetzt falsch ist.