Kann man ein Diagramm in englisch so beschreiben?

1 Antwort

I'm presenting my horizontal bar chart (in UK Englisch eher bar diagram). It's about stopping bullies. The bar chart illustrates the different types of bullying. The statistics are from May 2009 to July 2013. The chart starts with the main types of bullying and goes down to the side types. The leading position of all main types of bullying was name calling and insults with 63.5 percent. Followed by shoving and hitting with 40 percent. The third type of bullying, also one of the main types, was to involve friends and peers. Exclusion and leaving out had the same percentual number as fighting. The smallest type of bullying was weapons related with 5 percent. To sum it up I would say, that there are so many different types of bullying, as you can see at the statistic, but together we can stop them all.

Den zusammenfassenden Satz würde ich etwas ändern, vielleicht am Ende "but only if we work together, we can stop them all". Würde für mich mehr Sinn ergeben.

Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung – 10 Jahre Studium in English & wohne seit 2019 in den USA