(Aufsatz English) An online friendship is no substitute for real friends. What is your opinion?

2 Antworten

For the most people, real friends are one of the most important things in their life. You're in contact with your friends everyday. If you are in trouble they'll always try to help you. However in this century, a lot of children play online games and meet new people online. But are they really as good as real friends? 


When we thinking about what a real friend represent, I come to the conclusion, that I'm 100% sure what’s looks like. I know the most of people from his family and where he lives. 


If I meet somebody online, I usually don't know how he looks like, even if he's that guy who he pretends to be. You can find so many news, where kids meet a strangers online and they plan to meet them outside somewhere. That’s so, because strangers/ the stranger pretends to be also a kid, which could great and dangerous consequences, like if the partner gets kidnapped by the stranger. 


There are not only bad sides to online friendships. After my experience, I can tell, that there are a lot of good people online. I have a lot of online friends with whom I've been in contact with for years. We text almost every day! 


In my opinion, there are a lot of good people online for a good/ long friendship, but there are also a lot of bad people. Online friends can replace friends in real life and they also can be dangerous. That's why the most important thing online is your safety. Don't just give your personal details/information, like your address to strangers, that you’ve met online and got friends. If you want to meet your online friend, make sure you know how the person looks like and meet him in a public place at day time. 

Ich habe das mal so verbessert, vor allem die Fehler. Schau dir das mal an, den Text finde ich aber gut. Einige Formulierungen habe ich in schwarz ergänzt.

Liebe Grüße


For most people, real friends are one of the most important things in their life (Plural). You're in contact with your friends everyday (RS) . If you are in trouble (Komma) they'll (Kurzformen wie diese im Schriftlichen, zumindest in formalen Schreiben meiden.) always try to help you. However (Komma) in this century, a lot of children play online games and meet new people online. But are they really as good as real friends?  

When thinking about what a real friend represent (Grammatik) , I come to the conclusion (kein Komma) that I'm (s.o.) 100% (Formulierung; RS) sure what (Hier fehlt etwas) looks like. I mostly (Wort) know people from his (Grammatik, was ist mit Freundinnen?) family and where he (Grammatik, was ist mit Freundinnen?) lives.  

But if I meet somebody online, I usually don't (s.o.) know what he (Grammatik, was ist mit Freundinnen?) looks like and also if he's (s.o.) that guy (???) and if he's (s.o.) who he (s.o.) pretends to be. You can find so many news, where (Wort) kids meet a strangers (Grammatik) online and they plan to meet outside somewhere (Satzstellung) (kein neuer Satz) Because [the strangers (Plural) pretend to be also a kid (Singular) Grammatik], the other one gets kidnapped by the stranger (Singular, Plural - Grammatik).  

There are not only bad sides to online friendships. After (Wort) my experience can I (Satzstellung) tell (kein Komma) there are a lot of good people online. I have a lot of online friends with whom (Grammatik) I've (s.o.) been in contact with (Wiederholung - 1 with zuviel!) for years. We text almost every day!  

In my opinion (Komma) there are a lot of good people online to be friends with. But there are also a lot of bad people. Online friends can replace real friends (Komma) but they also can (Satzstellung) be dangerous. That's (s.o.) why the most important thing is your safety. Don't (---) give your address to strangers that you just (Wort) met online and (Hier fehlt etwas.) became friends. If you want to meet your online friend, make sure you know what he (s.o.) looks like and meet him (s.o.) in a public place at day time.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de - und Finger weg vom Google Übelsetzer und seinen tr.tteligen Kollegen!

:-) AstridDerPu