Speaking Test - 10 Klasse - Part 1

1 Antwort

Hello, I'm Krissi. What's your name?

Hi, my name is Emma and I'm 16. How old are you?

I'm 16 years old (,) too. Where do you come from?

I live in xxxxx near xxxxxx Komma and you?

I come from xxxxx it's near xxxxx (,) too.

What(---) about your family, Emma? Have you got any brothers or sisters?

Yes, I have got a 20-year-old brother called Tim, he works as a bank clerk. And what about your siblings?

I have two sisters. Johanna is only 6, she goes to nursey school. Theresa is 12 years old and she is still anttending school. And what about your parents' jobs?

My mum works as a teacher and my dad as a drafsman. And your parents?

Only my dad has got a job. He works as a diploma engineer (siehe: http://de.pons.com/%C3%BCbersetzung?q=Diplomingenieur&l=deen&in=ac_de&lf=en). What do you do in your sparetime? Have you got any hobbies?

Yes, every Thursday and Friday I go swimming and I also like to listen to musik. And what do you do in your freetime?

I play tree times a week (Position) fistball and on weekends I spent my time in sports (,) too. But I also like to read books to realax (---).

In which club are you? (Präposition ans Ende der Frage)

I play fistball in the xxxxx. Whats your favourit musik?

Oh Komma I like Rihanna very much Komma and you?

Rihanna is great but in my opinion is Sam Smith a little bit better (Word Order). What do you do after school (am Nachmittag?)

I'm going to do a training as an office clerk Komma and what about you?

I will go to a technical secondary school in the math class.

How was your last summer holyday?

I spent my last summer holyday in Bibione in Italy. I do (Zeit) a lot of sports like kayaking, beach volleyball, archery and so on. And what about your last summer vacation? .......

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.eu,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de.


 09.03.2014, 11:32

Dankeschön :)