Royal Flying Doctors Service----

2 Antworten


nur was mir beim ersten flüchtigen Durchlesen aufgefallen ist:

The Royal Flying Doctors Service or short RFDS is a health care service for people in Australia**, who** live in the Outback. It is a not- for- profit organisation which provides health care to people who have no access to a hospital or general practice because of the vast distances of the Outback. They come by plane and help (---) people**. In many cases they also provide medical advice via telephone or radio.** RFDS works 24 hours all year through. The Royal Flying Doctor Service virtually supports all low populated areas of Australia. It can reach each person of Australia within two hours. It has 53 planes at 21 bases across the country. Almost thousand people work there, a professional team. They use the latest (--) aviation, medical and communications technology and has four operational sections, South Eastern, Central, Western and Queensland. Each section has a number of bases. The Royal Flying Doctors Service has helped people for more than / over 80 years. The first flight was in 1928. They are supported by the Commonwealth, the state and territory governments. Donations are used in various ways to help the thousands of people living, working and travelling in Australia. People who are not affirmed ??? have to pay for treatment themselves. People who are affirmed ??? do not have to pay for treatment themselves.

Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

;-) AstridDerPu

 17.10.2011, 21:19

vielen dank!! total nett von dir!!!

Silaa68  18.09.2016, 23:40

Was genau soll "affirm" heißen ?


Danke für den Text ich musste das auch schreiben und das war total das gute Beispiel. Danke 🤩