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3 Antworten

The great white sharks are the largest fish in the ocean.

Sharks need a water temperature between 12°C and 24°C. They swim in the waters of he United tates, South Africa, Japan, Australia and in the Mediterranean.

Sharks live up to 30-40 years and can be as long as 6m with a maximum weight of up to 2,000 kg. Females are generally larger than males. Adults measure between 5m and 6m. White sharks are carnivorous. They live from fish, tuna, smaller sharks, whales and dolphins. The teeth often break off when they hunt their prey. White sharks can hear and smell their prey from many kilometers away. They can even sink boats up to 10m long. In 2003, scientists undertook an experiment. They followed the way that a white shark swam. In 99 days it swam 11,000 Kilometers. Scientists presume it swam at least 5km/h. In average, there are worldwide 3-7 unprovoked attacks by white sharks. 20% end in death, mostly it attacks from backside or underneath. Seldom, the person is attacked again or eaten. Most attacks involved surfers and swimmers in dark clothing. Often near seal colonys.

Noch nicht ganz okay, schau selbst nochmal drüber..