Kurzreferat Las Vegas

3 Antworten

Zunächst: "town" in Amerika ist nur ein Dorf. Das Wort für Stadt ist in den USA immer city. Und beide sind it mit its (du hast "her)

Auch wichtig:

The name Las Vegas is often applied also toso-called "unincorporated areas" that surround the actual city, but are not part of it, especially the resort areas on and near the Las Vegas Strip. The 7 km stretch of Las Vegas Boulevard known as the Strip is mainly outside the city proper in unincorporated communities. The population of the what is called the e Las Vegas metropolitan area is now almost 2 million! (2010: 1,951,269!)

Ein paar der ägsten Fehler:

  • Wortstellung > Annually over 6 million dollars are gambled away in the casinos
  • " > For tourists the Grand Canyon which is about 200 miles away may be reached relatively quickly by car.

It takes much longer by train, because there is no direct train connection. It's also very expensive: The round trip bus fare in the tour package from Las Vegas is $179.00 per person, in addition to the train fares, but the train ride is quite an attraction: they use restored coach cars which are pulled by an ancient steam locomotive. n

  • in completly america >* in (the whole of) America is .. which is...*

Da is noch reichlich engl. Material: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Vegas,_Nevada

 19.03.2012, 21:58

Oh mein Gott, mein kaaatastrophales Englisch :D Dankesehr!


Facts about Las Vegas (vielleicht kannst Du diese irgendwie einbaun)

  • 17 of the 20 biggest hotels in the world are in Las Vegas.
  • There are approximately 315 weddings per day in Vegas. (a marriage license in Nevada costs $35 Dollars. And if you file for divorce it costs you $450 in Nevada)
  • Elvis Presley performed in 837 consecutive sold out shows in Vegas.

Tja, musst halt langsam und deutlich reden ;DD aber vieleicht gibst du einfach mal bei google englisch referat las vegas ein, da findet man meistens am meisten (ich zumindest)

 19.03.2012, 18:15

Ja ich rede schon zieemlich langsam :P

okay, ich kuck mal ...