Kann mir jemand bei einem 5 Minuten Referat über Wölfe helfen?

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The wolf (Canis lupus) is the best predator in the dog family. Wolves usually live in family groups, technically known as packs. The main prey in the largest region is medium to large ungulates. The art war since the loss of the Pleistocene in parts of subspecies across Europe, in much of Asia, in the Arabian Peninsula and in Japan, and in relations.

Wolves were systematically hindered in Central Europe from the 15th century onwards, [1] in the 19th century they were widely decimated in the perception of all-round religious relationships, especially by personal hunting, and were quickly decimated in Western and Central Europe and also in Japan. The wolf has been under protection in many countries since the end of the 20th century, the stocks are there, although they are still illegal. In several other countries, among personal in the Middle East, but also in parts of Europe, there is no legal protection for the wolf. Wolves are now considered a key species. In Germany in 2000 worries about the birth of wolves and the number of wolves and wolf packs also started again in other parts of Central and Northern Europe. [3] In the 2018/19 data collection period, 105 packs, 25 pairs and 13 individual territorial animals were granted rights in Germany; thus there were 143 different wolf territories. [4]

Wolves follow to known predators; they have found their way into the myths and fairy tale region of peoples. They are also the parent form of all domestic dogs and the secondary wild dingo.

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Shiro025  01.09.2020, 13:50

Hast du das aus Wikipedia rauskopiert und mit Google Übersetzter auf Englisch übersetzt?

fishfan90  01.09.2020, 16:17

Google Übersetzer sollte man niemals nutzen. Zumindest nicht für einen ganzen Text. Da kommt nur Mist bei raus. Entweder man kann Englisch oder man sucht sich jemanden, der es kann.


Kopier einfach was vom englischen Wikipedia und schreibe es einfach um. Es gibt auch so selten die dir Texte kostenlos umschreiben.

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