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1 Antwort

Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Are you looking for an (RS = Rechtschreibung) unique and insightful read? Look no further than „The curious incident of the dog in the night-time“! The novel was written by Mark Haddon and traded (Wort) by 15-year-old Christopher Boone, who has (Wort) Asperger syndrome and lives in Swindon, (---) England with his father. The book was first published in 2003. A teenager myself, I found this book an (RS) special and interesting read and you can notice how a boy with Asperger syndrome sees the world.

The story begins with Christopher Francis Boone finding a dead dog in front of his neighbours‘ (Grammatik), Mrs. Shears', house with a garden fork sticking through it. He is interested in detective work and logic, so he investigates the case of the dead dog Wellington to find out who killed him. His father is not enthusiastic about this, as he was (Grammatik) afraid for (Wort) Christopher. During this process, he finds out more about himself and his family. He also finds letters from his mother that are written to him. (Ausdruck, Grammatik) However, his father hid (Grammatik) them. Christopher sets off to visit his mother in London because he doesn’t trust his father anymore. At first he thought she died (Grammatik), but he discovered that his father had just made this up so as not to confuse him. On his journey (Ich persönlich würde hier ein Komma setzen.) he has to overcome some difficulties, but finally managed it (Wort). He confronts his mother (Hier fehlt ein Wort.) why she left him and his father. After his visit (Ich persönlich würde hier ein Komma setzen.) he comes home and his father tells him something extremely unexpected…. Christopher decides to document his adventure in a book called "The curious incident of the dog in the night-time" and achieved (Grammatik) an A-grade on (Wort) his book at the end of the novel. 

The book is written in a very simple and easy to understand (RS) way and is especially suitable for teenagers. You notice (Wort) how it is to master a "normal" everyday life with Asperger syndrome. These are things I really liked about the novel. Furthermore, you can determine that Christopher is very interested in mathematics and physics and there are also some math tasks illustrated in the book. He knows every prime number up to 7,507 and all the countries and their capital cities in the whole world. In addition, Christopher struggles with social interactions and his own mind. He also doesn’t like when something dances (Ausdruck) out of line.

One thing I disliked about the book was that it was a bit slow-paced at times. However, this is just my personal criticism and how I felt (---) while I was reading the book.

Overall, I would highly recommend to read  „The curious incident of the dog in the night-time“, because if you ask me (Komma) it is a very thrilling and insightful novel that explores themes like love, family, mental health and acceptance. To my mind (Ausdruck), these are (---) the most important things (Wort).

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert, das Kursivgedruckte überdacht werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de - und Finger weg vom Google Übelsetzer und seinen tr.tteligen Kollegen!

:-) AstridDerPu

AstridDerPu  07.06.2023, 16:54

Danke für das Sternchen.☺️